Company - Bisetti


Our story begins in 1945, in the wake of the typical craftsmanship of the Strona Valley and of the villages that overlook the eastern shore of the Lake Orta.

The combination of mastery and skilful local artisan tradition, with the most modern machineries and equipment, guarantees the high-quality standards that the market of the new millennium requires.
The move to the new and modern Omegna factory starting from 2018 has allowed the technological development necessary to guarantee the production volumes that the enhancement of Made in Italy is generating.

The evolution towards an “eco” product born with FSC certification continued with the transition to a “green” company through the modern suction and reuse system of processing waste for heating the entire plant that allows independence from traditional energy sources and a low carbon footprint.

The company is one of the few that still continues to produce wooden table and kitchen items in Italy.



ISO 22000:2018

ISO 22000:2018

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ISO 22000:2018 is the required standard for management systems concerning the safety in the agri-food sector. ISO 22000:2018 regulation was devised to be compatible and harmonized with the other international rules concerning management systems.

Moody's Rating

Moody’s Rating

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The Moody’s “Credit Passport®” assessment indicates a company’s ability to conduct business without defaulting. It is derived from a combination of factors, both historical and forward looking. This blend makes the approach particularly solid when assessing short term liquidity as well as mid term creditworthiness Our Credit Passport of “A+”means the company is of high quality.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

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ISO 9001 certification demonstrates your organisation’s ability to consistently meet and exceed customer expectations. For this reason, many buyers require suppliers to be ISO 9001 certified to minimise their risk of purchasing a poor product or service. A business that achieves ISO 9001 certification will be able to attain significant improvements in organisational efficiency and product quality by minimising waste and errors, and increasing productivity.

FDA Certification

FDA Certification

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Nel 2012 la Pepper Style by Bisetti Srl ha ottenuto la registrazione presso l’importante ente statunitense Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Questa certificazione ci consente la libera esportazione di prodotti alimentari negli USA. Nel nostro specifico caso i sali e le spezie contenuti nelle nostre macine.
Nel 2002 gli Stati Uniti hanno formulato la “Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Prepardness and Response Act”, entrata poi in vigore il 12 dicembre 2003, per tutelarsi da minacce di attacchi terroristici nella catena alimentare statunitense. Da allora, qualunque azienda desideri esportare prodotti alimentari negli USA deve ottenere questa autorizzazione da parte della Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

H.A.C.C.P. Certification

H.A.C.C.P. Certification

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H.A.C.C.P. (acronimo di Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, tradotto in italiano in Analisi dei rischi e punti critici di controllo) è la definizione di un sistema di autocontrollo che le aziende che hanno a che fare con la produzione, preparazione, somministrazione o vendita di alimenti debbono utilizzare per garantire che il processo prevenga problemi di natura igienica e sanitaria e garantisca quindi la salubrità degli alimenti.

AEO Certification

AEO Certification

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Il certificato AEO è un documento che viene rilasciato dall’Agenzia delle Dogane – previo audit – con cui si attesta che un determinato operatore economico è affidabile, in quanto soddisfa una serie di requisiti indicati nel Codice Doganale Comunitario e nelle relative Disposizioni di Applicazione.
Tale condizione di affidabilità comporta l’attribuzione di numerosi benefici (diretti ed indiretti) in capo al soggetto dotato del certificato AEO
Il beneficio maggiore consiste nel fatto che l’operatore dotato del certificato AEO è assoggettato ad un minor numero di controlli all’import.
Per quanto riguarda invece l’export, il possesso del certificato AEO garantisce una riduzione delle ipotesi di verifica (documentale e/o fisica) della merce presso le dogane dei Paesi firmatari di accordi con l’UE (attualmente Stati Uniti e Giappone e a breve anche la Cina).
Infine, non va trascurato il prestigio in termini di immagine e reputazione derivante dal possesso del certificato AEO: sono infatti sempre più numerose le imprese situate sia in Paesi UE (Germania in testa) che extra UE (si pensi per esempio alla Corea del Sud, al Giappone ecc.) che pretendono dai propri fornitori il possesso del certificato AEO quale condizione per continuare a svolgere regolari rapporti di fornitura.

After-sales service

In case of defectiveness occurring during the warranty period, please send an email to
Please refrain from calling our office as the service is externally managed in outsourcing. Only requests via mail will be taken in charge.

What to do in case of defectiveness, unintentional events excluded (no warranty provided for them):
1. Please send an email to indicating the defective item code and what the defect consists of. Please also provide a picture of the defective product together with the purchase receipt in order to attest the validity of the warranty.
2. Only after our instructions, please return the item with priority mail to the address we will give you
We will repair your returned item in a few days and resend it to you for free. No freight charge will be applied.
Please be informed that repairing or replacement will be carried out only in case of defectiveness of the product (unintentional events or misusage are not to be considered).
Please also inform us with your complete delivery address and mobile phone, which is necessary for the success of the delivery.

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